The first acupuncture session lasts 60-90 minutes, the next approximately 60 minutes (for therapeutic sessions we offer bonus cards for 5 or 10 sessions)
History of Acupuncture
Acupuncture is part of the Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is based on over 5000 years of medical practice and healing. There are countless research-based studies for multiple indications that confirm the effectiveness of acupuncture. In Medicality we integrate this knowledge and experience into the concept of an alternative medicine or a complementary medicine to the “classic” western medicine.
Techniques in TCM
The objective of acupuncture is to harmonize and rebalance the physical, psychological and emotional energy using very thin needles in defined points of the body to deblock energetic blockade. Apart from acupuncture and moxibution, there are four other therapies that find application in TCM: phytotherapy, therapeutic massage, dietetics and therapies of relaxing techniques or movement.
Diseases to be treated with TCM / Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an exellent therapeutic option for the following medical indications: sleeping disorders, stress, cronic exhaustion, every kind of acute or cronic pain, allergies, asthma, sinusitis, migraine, indigestion, gastritis, trigeminal neuralgia, facial paralysis, infertility, depression, anxiety, dermatitis…
MTC Philosophy
In Chinese traditional medicine, illness is considered as an energetic imbalance in the body, which may be caused by external or internal factors. Western medicine analyses and classifies diseases from the point of view of the causing agent: a virus, a bacterium, a fungus, a toxin… On the other hand, traditional Chinese medicine postulates that no symtom can be considered out of its context or isolated.
Therefore, an illness does not have one isolated cause, but is the consequence of its enviroment, of habits and of a concrete connection. For this reason, our health strongly depends on our daily habits, our lifestyle and on the relationships with other people. This is why the TCM includes a philosophy and a lifestyle concept: a correct diet, an equable life and appropriate physical activity.
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